Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project (SLGAAP).
Various across QLD, NSW, and Victoria
Project Description.
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulators (NHVR)s Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project (SLGAAP) is an Australian Government funded initiative to optimise heavy vehicle access on local road networks across Australia.
Ductile Consulting Engineers has been engaged to provide a range of different bridge and culvert assessment services ranging from Tier 1 assessments (basic capability screening assessments) to Asset Improvement Reports (detailed options studies for deficient structures).
Through this project, Ductile Consulting Engineers are helping local government road managers to better understand the capabilities and limitations of their bridge/culvert networks.
Other Projects.
Wind Farm Projects
Ductile Consulting Engineers has been engaged to assess suitability of bridges, culverts, and other road structures to sustain loads from Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) vehicles required for wind farm developments in three Renewable Energy Zones (REZ)s in NSW.
Flood Recovery Projects
2022 saw flooding on a massive scale across eastern Australia. Ductile Consulting Engineers was there with feet on the ground, helping several regional councils get back on their feet.
Bridge Network Condition & Capability Assessments
GSC engaged Ductile Consulting Engineers (through Constructive Solutions Pty Ltd) to undertake Level 2 and Level 3 inspections of their network.