Wind Farm Projects.




New South Wales

Project Description.

Ductile Consulting Engineers has been engaged to assess suitability of bridges, culverts, and other road structures to sustain loads from Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) vehicles required for wind farm developments in three Renewable Energy Zones (REZ)s in NSW.

Our staged approach offers value for money, starting with Level 1 inspections (for minor structures), Level 2 inspections (bridges and major culverts) and Tier 1-2D assessments (bridges and major culverts) to screen for capability and condition.  Level 3 inspections and/or detailed Tier 2 assessments may be required for structures that don’t pass the initial screening.  For structures that are found inadequate by detailed assessments, we can assess options for strengthening, rehabilitation, or replacement and provide recommendations on the most appropriate course of action to enable the OSOM vehicle movements.

Other Projects.

Flood Recovery Projects

Flood Recovery Projects

2022 saw flooding on a massive scale across eastern Australia. Ductile Consulting Engineers was there with feet on the ground, helping several regional councils get back on their feet.

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