Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project (SLGAAP)
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulators (NHVR)s Strategic Local Government Asset Assessment Project (SLGAAP) is an Australian Government funded initiative to optimise heavy vehicle access on local road networks across Australia.
Wind Farm Projects
Ductile Consulting Engineers has been engaged to assess suitability of bridges, culverts, and other road structures to sustain loads from Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) vehicles required for wind farm developments in three Renewable Energy Zones (REZ)s in NSW.
Flood Recovery Projects
2022 saw flooding on a massive scale across eastern Australia. Ductile Consulting Engineers was there with feet on the ground, helping several regional councils get back on their feet.
Bridge Network Condition & Capability Assessments
GSC engaged Ductile Consulting Engineers (through Constructive Solutions Pty Ltd) to undertake Level 2 and Level 3 inspections of their network.
Level 3 Timber Bridge Assessments
Armidale Regional Council had concerns over the capacity of three timber bridges. Ductile Consulting Engineers were engaged to undertake load rating assessments and provide management advice for the bridges.
Level 2 Inspection of Major Culverts and Risk Assessment Prioritisation
Port Macquarie Hastings Council (PMHC) manages over 2,500 major and minor culverts across its stormwater network. To support their understanding and management of their culverts
Swimming Pool Condition Assessments
Ductile Consulting Engineers provided; structural and mechanical condition assessments of Liverpool Plains Shire Councils swimming pool facilities at Quirindi and Werris Creek.
Garoo Bridge Upgrades
As part of an initiative to improve freight productivity, Tamworth Regional Council sought to gazette Garoo Rd and Lindsays Gap Rd for Higher Mass Limit (HML) B-double vehicles.